Chapter One
Question One - "One Taken - The Other Left" Behind
"One Shall Taken, and the Other Left," is the Benchmark Bible verse around which Pre-Trib is promoted. Almost every "Rapture" sermon includes the quote, "One Shall Be Taken, the Other Left." Book authors added the word, "Behind" to the phrase, thus we hear, "One Taken - One Left Behind." Pre-Trib says Jesus will, "Rapture" His People (Church) before the Great Tribulation, but there is a serious problem! The Scripture, "One Taken and One Left" is used in Rapture pamphlet hand outs and in Rapture sermons, but not in official textbooks and Pre-trib study Bibles.
Big Problem
A simple reading of Matthew 24 immediately reveals that Jesus placed the event in which, "One shall be taken and the other left" after the Great Tribulation. There's no possible way to place that event before the Tribulation. The results of our research so far is that from 1830 on, none of the Pre-Trib promoters have actually tried to claim that "one taken and one left" is a Pre-Trib Rapture Scripture. Many Pre-Trib ministers have wrestled with this fact. Again, as far back as we can research, Pre-Trib has always reversed the "taken and left" persons, claiming the "taken" are the bad people, and the "left" people are the good people.
Matthew 24:40-41 Not a Rapture Text?
Pre-Trib Ministers familiar with official Pre-Trib study Bibles and other official Pre-Trib books know absolutely, that the verse, "One shall be taken and the other left," is not considered a "Rapture" text by any educated Pre-trib scholars. Some un-trained Pre-trib ministers are not aware of this, and openly quote the "one taken and one left" text as a proof text in their sermons. But the Pre-Trib position says, "One Taken - One Left," is a only a Second Coming Bible prophecy, and will occur at the Second Coming. All Pre-Trib promoters teach that the Second Coming will occur 7 years after an event they call the Rapture.
"You Are WRONG! I KNOW You're WRONG!"
Many average Pre-Trib church members who have not studied Pre-Trib teachings carefully become angry when hearing what we present here. Such persons need only to study the Footnotes of a Pre-Trib study Bible or any books written by credible Pre-Trib promoters. They can also go to the websites of any high profile Pre-trib ministers. The following quote is from Dwight Pentecost. He is considered one of the highest Pre-trib Authorities, and his Book, "Things to Come" is considered to be a primary textbook among Pre-trib scholars. He was head of the Religion Department at Dallas Theological Seminary. He writes concerning the, "One Taken - One Left" Scripture passage:
Many Problems
Let's look at a few problems and inconsistencies that occur when we attempt to claim the Taken are the lost wicked and the Left are the righteous saved.
If Pre-Trib is Correct - NOBODY , good or bad, can be, "Left Behind"
According to Pre-Trib, when Jesus prophesied that He will, "Send His Angels to gather His Elect" (Matt.24:31) at His Second Coming, He actually meant that those angels will be gathering the lost wicked instead. The Pre-trib view says those angels will be taking the lost wicked to Jerusalem to be judged and cast into hell. The Pre-trib view says that Jesus will go to Jerusalem to set up His Millennial Kingdom here on earth. Pre-Trib says this occurs in Old Jerusalem. But, according to Pre-Trib, there will be millions of righteous people all over the world who will have converted to Christians during the Tribulation. If the angels, "take" the bad, unsaved, people to the place Jesus is setting up His Kingdom, what about those millions of saved converts? According to Pre-Trib, every living person on Earth, good and bad, will be gathered together at Jerusalem at that time for a judgment in which He will separate the Sheep and Goats. Strange! If Pre-Trib is correct; if the angels that Jesus,"sends to gather His Elect," will actually "leave" the Elect and instead,"take" the unsaved; the bad people to a judgment in Old Jerusalem, why did Jesus prophesy that the angels will gather His Elect? If there is going to be a judgment in Jerusalem at Christ's Second Coming, those angels must gather and "take" every living person on earth to Old Jerusalem, and there can be NONE Left Behind! If the Pre-trib version of Christ's Second Coming is correct, Jesus would have prophesied that He will "send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, to gather together every living person on earth." Did Jesus miss-speak? Of course we know He didn't! Those angels will "gather together His Elect," exactly as Jesus prophesied.
Reality Check
Let's do a quick reality check. If Jesus told His Disciples He was going to, "send His Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, to gather together His Elect" (see Matt 24:30-31), then, on the very next night tell these same Disciples He will be going to, "His Father's House," to prepare a place for them, after which He will, "come again and receive them unto Himself" (see Jn.14:1-2), shouldn't we accept what He said and leave it there? Could it be that Jesus will, "take" His people, and, "leave behind" the un-saved who rejected Him? If we accept that this is what really will occur, all of Christ's prophecies fit perfectly with no Un-Answerable Questions to Ponder. However, when we reverse a Scripture, a chain reaction begins, and we will be forced to reverse more Scripture. Can any good thing come from this?
"Taken" = Terrified - "Left Behind" = Happy
Paintings about the Second Coming show the people, "taken" up into the clouds ecstatic with joy. We suggest these paintings are correct, and those, "Elect" will be joyous beyond anything they've ever experienced. However, if Pre-trib is correct, these people should be terrified because they're being gathered to be judged and cast into hell!! Contrary to Pre-Trib's version, Jesus said, "And then [after the Tribulation] shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all of the tribes of the earth morn, and they shall see
the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great
glory! And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a great
trumpet, and they shall gather together His Elect from the four winds,
from one end of heaven to the other" (Matt 24:30-31)! Continuing His description of what will happen when He comes, Jesus said, "Then (when He sends His angels to gather His Elect) shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left" (Vss.40-41). The next night, at His Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples exactly what would happen when these angels gathered His Elect. "In My Father's House are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive (same Greek word as "taken" in Matthew 24) you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jn.14:2-3). Can we read this and conclude that the, "taken"
are the bad people being taken judgment and hell? Could it be that Pre-trib's most quoted Bible verse, "One Shall be Taken, the Other Left," is actually a Scripture denying a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
A Skunk in the Jury Box
The reader might ask, "If Pre-Trib Ministers don't believe the 'Taken' are taken to Heaven, why do they quote it as a Rapture Bible Verse?" Lawyers call this tactic,"A Skunk in a Jury Box." They make a false statement, knowing it is false, and knowing the opposing Lawyer will "Object," and the Judge will instruct the Jury not to consider the false statement during deliberation, but the Lawyer knows the false statement is stuck in the Jury's mind and will affect their decision.
This difficult question has caused many Pre-trib ministers to look closer at Pre-Trib. All Bible Book Stores sell dozens of books written by former Pre-trib ministers who have carefully studied and concluded that the Bible does not teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
Solving the Problems
This can be resolved by comparing all Bible verses about end-times. "One Taken, and One Left" is a quote from Jesus while describing His Second Coming. When telling His disciples about, "One Taken and one Left," Jesus said, "Immediately AFTER the Tribulation of those days." In Matthew 24 Jesus gave a brief sketch of His Second Coming.
When we take into consideration the Revelation account Jesus gave John on Patmos, and combine this with what Jesus told His disciples, we'll have a clear understanding of the events surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus.
What must we conclude about the "Taken and the Left?" And, where must we conclude the "Taken" are taken? When Jesus comes, He "sends His angels to gather His Elect." These angels gather, "take," the Elect to, "meet Jesus in the air," and He takes them to "His Father's House" where He has "prepared a pace for them." The "left" are the wicked who are destroyed by the "brightness of Christ's Coming" (2Thess.2:8), and, "The slain of the Lord shall be at that Day from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth. They shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried. They shall be dung upon the ground" (Jer.25:33).
Pre-trib's "Proof" Concerning the Taken and the Left
It is not only Pre-trib ministers and teachers that are promoting the view that the Taken are the lost wicked that will be taken to punishment and the Left are the righteous entering into Christ's Kingdom. There are many ministers that completely oppose the Pre-trib view but are unaware of the Pre-trib official position. Such ministers think that Pre-trib's position is that the "Taken" are taken to Heaven and the "Left" are the unsaved. Thus, thinking that they have discovered a complete and absolute rebuttal to the Rapture theory, these ministers came up with what they thought was a new view. Little did they know that they were copying literally word for word what Pre-trib scholars have been promoting for over 150 years. So, let's now examine the so called proof that these misguided Post-trib ministers and the Pre-trib ministers have offered us. Let's begin by looking up the original Greek words used for "Taken" and "Left."
Greek - "Taken" - Paralambano
Strong's Concordance - Paralambano - "Taken" Word #3880 "To receive near, to associate with one's self (in any familiar or intimate relationship); by analysis; to assume an office; learn, receive, take (unto - with)."
Every definition of the word Paralambano is a clear definition to Christ's relationship to those He sends His angels to gather from this earth and bring them to meet Him in the clouds. We ask our reader to take a moment to carefully read the definition and try to make a single word or phrase fit the lost wicked taken to Judgment.
Let's quickly look at a few other places, "paralambano," is used in the Bible:
Second Coming - "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive (paralambano) you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jn.14:3). "One shall be taken (paralambano) the other left" (Matt.24:40-41; Lk.17:34-36). We could probably stop here, but there's more:
Joseph and Mary - The angel said to Joseph, "Fear not to take (paralambano) unto thee Mary, thy wife" (Matt.1:20). "Then Joseph....did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took (paralambano) unto him his wife" (vs.24). These should be enough to settle the discussion, but now lets look at the negative use of the word "left" that Jesus used:
Greek - "Left" - Aphiemi
Strong's Concordance - Aphiemi - "Left" word #863 "Forsake, lay aside, leave, (let alone)(let be) let have, omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up." The words, "Forsake" and "omit" should be more than enough to prove that the "left" are not the righteous. Every word in the Greek definition of aphiemi is a perfect description of wicked people being left behind when Jesus comes to take His people to Heaven. Following are several uses of aphiemi in Scripture:
"Second Coming - "One shall be taken, the other LEFT (aphiemi)(forsaken)" (Matt.24:40-41; Lk.17:34-36).
Jesus - Jerusalem Jews - "Your house is LEFT (aphiemi) unto you desolate" (Matt.23:38).
Peter to Jesus - "Lo, we have LEFT (aphiemi)(forsaken) all, and followed Thee" (Mk.10:28).
Peter to Jesus - "Behold we have FORSAKEN (aphiemi) all, and followed thee" (Matt.19:27).
Disciples - "And when they had brought their ships to land, they FORSOOK (aphiemi)(left) all, and followed Him" (Lk.5:11).
These definitions alone should be more than enough to prove that the "taken" are the righteous and the "left" are the lost wicked, but let's examine each of the other points made by those that insist the "taken" are the bad and the "left" are the good.
The Flood
Jesus used the following phrase concerning the flood and comparing it to His Second Coming: "And (the lost) knew not until the flood came and took them all away" (Matt.24:39). All Pre-trib, and the confused Post-trib advocates, use these words from Jesus in an attempt to claim He was saying the "taken" are the lost wicked and the "left" are the saved righteous. Ministers promoting this view assume that since "taken" and "took" are from the same root word in English, the words must also be the same in Greek. They are not the same at all! Actually the word "took" in Christ's illustration about the Flood and the word "taken" He used describing the people His angels "gather" are completely different words. When Jesus used the word "taken" recorded in the English version of Matthew and Luke, the word was "paralambano," a positive word which is never used in the Bible in a negative sense. When Jesus used the word translated "took" when referring to the lost wicked in the Flood, He said "airo," a neutral word for "took" and is neither negative or positive. In fact "airo" is one of the words that Pre-trib advocates use when referring to the "Rapture." To be clear, there are many uses of the word "airo" in a negative sense meaning "take," but nowhere is "Paralambano" used in Scripture for anything but a positive purpose.
But, let's stop here for a moment and do a reality check. It is true that the "flood came and took them all away," but in comparing Noah and his family with those who died in the flood, who was really "taken" and who was really "left?" Noah's Ark took the righteous to safety, and left the wicked out of the ark and the flood destroyed, killed them. The flood is actually a perfect illustration of the righteous being taken and the lost wicked being left.
Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah
In Luke's recording of "one taken and one left," like Mathew he mentions Noah and the flood, but Luke adds Lot and Sodom. "Also as it was in the days of Lot; they they did eat , they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted they built; But the same day Lot went out of Sodom [angels took them out], it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all" (Lk.17:28-29). What a perfect illustration! When Jesus comes He sends His angels to "gather" the righteous and when Sodom was destroyed the Lord sent His angels to take the righteous to safety. Those promoting the view that the "taken" are the bad and the "left" are the good never mention Lot and Sodom, and it is obvious why. We must always remember what an illustration and a parable are meant to do. Seldom if ever are they to be used for formulation a doctrine. Jesus was only telling us that the conditions before He returns will be very much the same as they were before the Flood and before Sodom was destroyed. Just as when Jesus comes, the lost wicked will be destroyed exactly where they stand the same as in the Flood and Sodom. Jesus used Noah and Lot to illustrate the fate of those "left" when He comes. They are destroyed and they die exactly where they stand and are not taken anywhere.
The Bodies and the Eagles
Before we leave Luke's version of the "taken and the left," we must examine another point made by the promoters of the "bad people taken and the good people left." After Jesus repeated twice, "one shall be taken and the other left," His disciples asked, "Where, Lord?" The answer Jesus gave seems to to support the "bad taken and the good left" view. Jesus answered, "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together" (Lk.17:37). And, if everything else we have offered here could be denied by using Scripture, they might have a case. So let's look closer. It would take many paragraphs to explore all the possibilities of what was behind the disciples question, "Where, Lord?" When Jesus said, "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left," no one can say for sure whether the disciples were asking, "Where will they be taken, Lord," or "Where will they be left, Lord?" So, let's look at reasons why Jesus said He would "send His angels with a great sound of a great trumpet to gather together His ELECT from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other," and then try to understand why anyone can justify claiming Jesus would reverse His instructions to have those angels gather instead the lost wicked and take them where eagles and vultures could devour their bodies. We could stop right here because such rational is simply nonsense.
Pre-Trib - Sheep and Goats
The Pre-trib view, using the parable of the sheep and the goats, tell us that those angels will gather the lost wicked and take them immediately to Jerusalem to be judged and then cast into "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." So, using the Pre-trib interpretation, when the disciples asked Jesus, "Where, Lord," they were asking "where will the wicked be taken." Again, using the Pre-trib interpretation, the lost wicked will not be taken to where eagles and vultures are gathered. However, according to the Pre-trib view, the lost wicked will not be taken to be fed to eagles and vultures at all. The Pre-trib view says the lost wicked will be very much alive and will stand in judgment, immediately after which they are cast into "fire prepared for the devil and his angels." So, according to the Pre-trib view, there will be no eagles or vultures feasting on the lost wicked at Jesus' Second Coming. If, however, it is the saved righteous that are "taken," and the lost wicked are struck dead by the brightness of Jesus and His Holy angels, then there may be a window of time for eagles and vultures to feast on those dead bodies. There may be another reason Jesus answered, "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together." Let's examine that reason.
Disciples Understanding
Probably the reason the disciples asked "Where, Lord," was because, in spite of everything Jesus had told them about His Kingdom, they were still convinced that the Kingdom was to be here on this earth with Jerusalem as headquarters. Thus, the following Thursday night, when Jesus gathered His disciples together for His Last Supper, He was very aware that their hearts were troubled. He told them repeatedly that He was going to Jerusalem and would be killed. The disciples were still holding fast to the idea that His Kingdom was at hand, and they were even arguing among themselves as to who would be sitting on each side of Him on His throne. And, because of their hearts being troubled, He said to them, "Let no your hearts be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's House are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jn.14:2-3). But, it was two days earlier that Jesus had told them He was going to send His angels to gather His Elect, and "one shall be taken, and the other left" (Matt.24:40-41). So, being that His "one taken and one left" occurred two days before Jesus told them about going to His Father's house and preparing a place for them and coming again to take them to Heaven, the disciples were completely fixed on Jerusalem being the capital of the world with Jesus reigning as King. So, when Jesus said He was going to send His angels to gather His Elect, there was no question in their minds that, just as Jesus said, those angels would gather the Elect from all over the world, but in their minds at that time, they thought those angels were to take them to Jerusalem to reign with Jesus. It would be two more days before Jesus explained that when the angels "gather His Elect," they would not be taking them to Jerusalem, but rather up to Jesus in the "clouds" and from there the Elect would return to Heaven with Jesus to live in the "mansions Jesus prepared for them."
Were the Disciples confused about the Taken and the Left?
Absolutely not! The disciples knew exactly who the taken and who the left will be. They were absolutely clear that the "taken" were the Elect and the "left" were the lost wicked. As we covered earlier, Jesus used the word paralambano for the taken and aphiemi for the left. Paralambano is a word that refers to marriage many times in the New Testament portion of the Bible. Aphiemi is used to express forsake, omit, sometimes even for divorce. The disciples were very familiar with these words and were not confused. So, getting back to what the disciples believed would be happening when Jesus sends His angels to gather the Elect, in their minds these angels would take the Elect to Jerusalem, and they were certain they would be among the Elect. It is impossible to know at this point what the disciples' real question was, and even more impossible to know exactly what Jesus was thinking when He answered, "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered." Let's look at two possible scenarios.
In the minds of the Disciples - "Where will the left be left, Lord?"
The disciples were not confused as to who the "taken" and the "left" will be. But they were very confused as to where the Elect were to be taken. In their minds there wasn't a shadow of doubt that the Elect were going to be taken to Jerusalem to be participants in Jesus' Kingdom. Thus they would have no reason whatsoever to ask Jesus where the "taken" will be taken. However, they would have every reason to ask where the "left" will be left. So, perhaps the disciples were asking, "Where, Lord, will the left be left?" And so it is that Jesus' answer fit perfectly. Two days later Jesus explained to the disciples that instead of a Kingdom here on earth in Jerusalem, He would be going to His Father's house to prepare mansions for them and all of His Elect. As for the "left behind" people, they will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. They die right where they stand and fall to the ground. The lost wicked will not be taken anywhere. From other Bible prophecies it seems there may be a window of time for eagles and vultures to feast on the bodies of the lost wicked. We have several blogsites investigating the Millennium and we suggest our readers check these. We show from Scripture that when Jesus comes, the lost wicked are destroyed and their bodies lie unburied until they are resurrected a thousand years later to stand before the White Throne Judgment. Dear readers, after studying the entire subject of end-time events and the coming of Jesus, this scenario fits the question the disciples asked when they said, "Where, Lord?" Now let's look at another possibility and see what could have the reason Jesus answered as He did.
Scenario Two - Where will the taken be taken?"
Again, no one can be positive what the disciples or Jesus were thinking during the exchange when the disciples asked Jesus, "Where, Lord?" Let's look at the possibility that the disciples really were asking Jesus where the "taken" will be taken? In several of our blogsites we have shown from Scripture that during the Millennium earth will be desolate. There will be unburied dead bodies lying all over the earth. See Isaiah 34 and Jeremiah 25. So, if Jesus knew the disciples were thinking the "taken" Elect would be taken to Jerusalem to reign with Him during His Kingdom, but He knew that He planned to tell them two days later that He was planning to take them to Heaven to live in the "mansions" He would prepare for them, how would He answer their question, "Where, Lord will the 'taken' be taken to?" On several occasions Jesus had to tell His disciples that there was much He needed to tell them, but they were not ready. Perhaps this was one of those times. The entire chapter of Matthew 24 occurred because He told the disciples that the Temple they so dearly loved and admired was going to be destroyed so that "not one stone would left upon another." So, when Jesus answered "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered," was it His way of dispelling their false hope that He was planning to set up a Kingdom here on earth with Jerusalem as capital. Was Jesus trying to shock them into reality and preparing them for what He would tell them two days later? Was He preparing to tell the disciples that instead of setting up a Kingdom here on earth at His Second Coming, He would be taking them and all believers to His Father's house so they could live in the "mansions" He prepared. This author believes that one of these two scenarios is the correct interpretation. Either way, there is too much overwhelming evidence proving that the "taken" are the saved and the "left" are the lost wicked. There is a parable that is used by those declaring the lost bad people are taken and the saved good people are left. Let's examine the "wheat and tares."
Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
We are going to assume that the reader is familiar with the parable of the wheat and the tares. If not, it is recorded in Matthew 13:24-30. Those attempting to prove the "taken" will be the lost wicked, and the "left" will be saved people use the parable as proof. In the parable, the farmer told his servants to "Gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn." We ask our readers to remember that Jesus told this as parable, not as a point of doctrine. It was actually a parable/prophecy about the Church which would be formed after Jesus returned to Heaven. The parable prophesied how Satan would plant evil characters into the Church. Later Jesus' disciples asked Him to explain the tares. Jesus ends His explanation with a statement that seems to support view that the "taken" are bad and the "left" are good. He said,"The Son of man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity, And shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear" (Matt.13:41-43). This author does not always agree with the Scofield Study Bible footnotes, but the footnote under this passage says the actual fulfillment of this prophecy from Jesus occurs at the end of the Millennium and not at Christ's Second Coming. The footnote is correct, and thus the prophecy is not about the Second Coming at all. It refers to the final judgment of the lost wicked after which "fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. And the devil that deceived them will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone" (Rev.20:9-10).
Closing Word to Post-Tribulation Ministers
Pastor, allow us a moment to address the ministers that THINK they have invented a rebuttal to the Pre-trib movement. This author has studied these Post-Tribulation ministers explanation of their views and it is painfully obvious that they are completely un-aware that the official position of the Pre-trib advocates declare the "taken" are the bad and the "left" are the good. Anyone can read their articles and see that they are completely ignorant of the true Pre-trib position. We suggest they should not take a position and proclaim it far and wide until they do their homework.
For example, Post-Tribulation ministers are being careless in their use of Scripture words referring to Christ's Second Coming. When Jesus said, "One shall be taken (paralambano) and the other left (aphiemi)," certain Post-Trib ministers obviously haven't done their homework. Paul describes Christ's Coming in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, "Then we who are alive and remain (periliepo) shall be caught up together with them (the resurrected saved) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (Vs.17). Periliepo means "survive, remain." Thus, Paul was saying all of the righteous that have survived the events till Jesus comes will be caught up with the resurrected righteous to meet the Lord in the air. To imply that the redeemed will be left at Christ's Coming is sloppy Bible interpretation. So, when Post-trib ministers go on national TV and declare that when Jesus said, "one shall be taken and one left," the word He used for "left" is the same word Paul used for "remain" when he wrote,"we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air," such ministers are simply not being truthful.
And so we conclude this study of the taken and the left when Jesus comes. Let's re-read the "taken and left" Scriptures to close, and this time let's insert the words Jesus actually used as they are shown in Strong's Concordance: "And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a great trumpet, and they shall gather together His ELECT from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (Matt 24:30-31). Jesus then gave a quick parable of a fig tree, after which He illustrated how His coming will be unexpected and how unprepared people will be as they go about their daily lives right up until He appears. He compared His coming to the flood when the good people were taken into the Ark, and the bad people were left outside the Ark. Jesus also referred to Lot and Sodom when angels literally took Lot, his wife, and two daughters by the hand and led (took) them out of Sodom. After Jesus said He would "send His angels to gather His Elect, He explained who would be gathered and who would not. He said, two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken (paralambano) (received), and the other left (aphiemi)(forsaken). Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken(paralambano)(received), and the other left (aphiemi)(forsaken)" (Vss.40-41).
So, we did as we were challenged. We examined their proof illustrations from the Bible, and the proof went against them. We looked up the words, and there is only one way to read the Scripture. The "taken" are the righteous and the "left" are the lost wicked.
Pastor, please take a little time to study this carefully and prayerfully from your Bible for yourself. The powers of darkness are poised to create mass deception throughout our entire planet. It is ONLY through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we'll be able stand when those, "4 Angels holding the 4 winds of strife" let go (See Rev.7:1)! Jesus said, "Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all Truth...and He will show you things to come" (Jn.16:13). That's His promise, and He will do it!!
Thank You SO much, Dear Reader, for your time and interest. Please leave your comments and thoughts. Let's continue Praying for God's Spirit to help us prepare for Christ's Coming!!
Your Brother in Christ
Walter C. Martin Jr.
Check Our Other Blogsites:
Post-Tribulation Second Coming of Jesus
Will Planet Earth EVER be Destroyed?
How Big is New Jerusalem?
The Great White Throne Judgment - When and Where
Was Margaret MacDonald's Dream Post-Trib?
Antichrist - The Beast - ANOMOS
Question One - "One Taken - The Other Left" Behind
"One Shall Taken, and the Other Left," is the Benchmark Bible verse around which Pre-Trib is promoted. Almost every "Rapture" sermon includes the quote, "One Shall Be Taken, the Other Left." Book authors added the word, "Behind" to the phrase, thus we hear, "One Taken - One Left Behind." Pre-Trib says Jesus will, "Rapture" His People (Church) before the Great Tribulation, but there is a serious problem! The Scripture, "One Taken and One Left" is used in Rapture pamphlet hand outs and in Rapture sermons, but not in official textbooks and Pre-trib study Bibles.
Big Problem
A simple reading of Matthew 24 immediately reveals that Jesus placed the event in which, "One shall be taken and the other left" after the Great Tribulation. There's no possible way to place that event before the Tribulation. The results of our research so far is that from 1830 on, none of the Pre-Trib promoters have actually tried to claim that "one taken and one left" is a Pre-Trib Rapture Scripture. Many Pre-Trib ministers have wrestled with this fact. Again, as far back as we can research, Pre-Trib has always reversed the "taken and left" persons, claiming the "taken" are the bad people, and the "left" people are the good people.
Matthew 24:40-41 Not a Rapture Text?
Pre-Trib Ministers familiar with official Pre-Trib study Bibles and other official Pre-Trib books know absolutely, that the verse, "One shall be taken and the other left," is not considered a "Rapture" text by any educated Pre-trib scholars. Some un-trained Pre-trib ministers are not aware of this, and openly quote the "one taken and one left" text as a proof text in their sermons. But the Pre-Trib position says, "One Taken - One Left," is a only a Second Coming Bible prophecy, and will occur at the Second Coming. All Pre-Trib promoters teach that the Second Coming will occur 7 years after an event they call the Rapture.
"You Are WRONG! I KNOW You're WRONG!"
Many average Pre-Trib church members who have not studied Pre-Trib teachings carefully become angry when hearing what we present here. Such persons need only to study the Footnotes of a Pre-Trib study Bible or any books written by credible Pre-Trib promoters. They can also go to the websites of any high profile Pre-trib ministers. The following quote is from Dwight Pentecost. He is considered one of the highest Pre-trib Authorities, and his Book, "Things to Come" is considered to be a primary textbook among Pre-trib scholars. He was head of the Religion Department at Dallas Theological Seminary. He writes concerning the, "One Taken - One Left" Scripture passage:
- This passage is in the Discourse in which the Lord outlines His program for Israel, who is already in the Tribulation period. The one taken is taken to judgment, and the one left is left for the Millennial Blessing" (Things to Come by Dwight Pentecost, pg.162).
Many Problems
Let's look at a few problems and inconsistencies that occur when we attempt to claim the Taken are the lost wicked and the Left are the righteous saved.
If Pre-Trib is Correct - NOBODY , good or bad, can be, "Left Behind"
According to Pre-Trib, when Jesus prophesied that He will, "Send His Angels to gather His Elect" (Matt.24:31) at His Second Coming, He actually meant that those angels will be gathering the lost wicked instead. The Pre-trib view says those angels will be taking the lost wicked to Jerusalem to be judged and cast into hell. The Pre-trib view says that Jesus will go to Jerusalem to set up His Millennial Kingdom here on earth. Pre-Trib says this occurs in Old Jerusalem. But, according to Pre-Trib, there will be millions of righteous people all over the world who will have converted to Christians during the Tribulation. If the angels, "take" the bad, unsaved, people to the place Jesus is setting up His Kingdom, what about those millions of saved converts? According to Pre-Trib, every living person on Earth, good and bad, will be gathered together at Jerusalem at that time for a judgment in which He will separate the Sheep and Goats. Strange! If Pre-Trib is correct; if the angels that Jesus,"sends to gather His Elect," will actually "leave" the Elect and instead,"take" the unsaved; the bad people to a judgment in Old Jerusalem, why did Jesus prophesy that the angels will gather His Elect? If there is going to be a judgment in Jerusalem at Christ's Second Coming, those angels must gather and "take" every living person on earth to Old Jerusalem, and there can be NONE Left Behind! If the Pre-trib version of Christ's Second Coming is correct, Jesus would have prophesied that He will "send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, to gather together every living person on earth." Did Jesus miss-speak? Of course we know He didn't! Those angels will "gather together His Elect," exactly as Jesus prophesied.
Reality Check
Let's do a quick reality check. If Jesus told His Disciples He was going to, "send His Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, to gather together His Elect" (see Matt 24:30-31), then, on the very next night tell these same Disciples He will be going to, "His Father's House," to prepare a place for them, after which He will, "come again and receive them unto Himself" (see Jn.14:1-2), shouldn't we accept what He said and leave it there? Could it be that Jesus will, "take" His people, and, "leave behind" the un-saved who rejected Him? If we accept that this is what really will occur, all of Christ's prophecies fit perfectly with no Un-Answerable Questions to Ponder. However, when we reverse a Scripture, a chain reaction begins, and we will be forced to reverse more Scripture. Can any good thing come from this?
"Taken" = Terrified - "Left Behind" = Happy

A Skunk in the Jury Box
The reader might ask, "If Pre-Trib Ministers don't believe the 'Taken' are taken to Heaven, why do they quote it as a Rapture Bible Verse?" Lawyers call this tactic,"A Skunk in a Jury Box." They make a false statement, knowing it is false, and knowing the opposing Lawyer will "Object," and the Judge will instruct the Jury not to consider the false statement during deliberation, but the Lawyer knows the false statement is stuck in the Jury's mind and will affect their decision.
This difficult question has caused many Pre-trib ministers to look closer at Pre-Trib. All Bible Book Stores sell dozens of books written by former Pre-trib ministers who have carefully studied and concluded that the Bible does not teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
Solving the Problems
This can be resolved by comparing all Bible verses about end-times. "One Taken, and One Left" is a quote from Jesus while describing His Second Coming. When telling His disciples about, "One Taken and one Left," Jesus said, "Immediately AFTER the Tribulation of those days." In Matthew 24 Jesus gave a brief sketch of His Second Coming.
When we take into consideration the Revelation account Jesus gave John on Patmos, and combine this with what Jesus told His disciples, we'll have a clear understanding of the events surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus.
What must we conclude about the "Taken and the Left?" And, where must we conclude the "Taken" are taken? When Jesus comes, He "sends His angels to gather His Elect." These angels gather, "take," the Elect to, "meet Jesus in the air," and He takes them to "His Father's House" where He has "prepared a pace for them." The "left" are the wicked who are destroyed by the "brightness of Christ's Coming" (2Thess.2:8), and, "The slain of the Lord shall be at that Day from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth. They shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried. They shall be dung upon the ground" (Jer.25:33).
Pre-trib's "Proof" Concerning the Taken and the Left
It is not only Pre-trib ministers and teachers that are promoting the view that the Taken are the lost wicked that will be taken to punishment and the Left are the righteous entering into Christ's Kingdom. There are many ministers that completely oppose the Pre-trib view but are unaware of the Pre-trib official position. Such ministers think that Pre-trib's position is that the "Taken" are taken to Heaven and the "Left" are the unsaved. Thus, thinking that they have discovered a complete and absolute rebuttal to the Rapture theory, these ministers came up with what they thought was a new view. Little did they know that they were copying literally word for word what Pre-trib scholars have been promoting for over 150 years. So, let's now examine the so called proof that these misguided Post-trib ministers and the Pre-trib ministers have offered us. Let's begin by looking up the original Greek words used for "Taken" and "Left."
Greek - "Taken" - Paralambano
Strong's Concordance - Paralambano - "Taken" Word #3880 "To receive near, to associate with one's self (in any familiar or intimate relationship); by analysis; to assume an office; learn, receive, take (unto - with)."
Every definition of the word Paralambano is a clear definition to Christ's relationship to those He sends His angels to gather from this earth and bring them to meet Him in the clouds. We ask our reader to take a moment to carefully read the definition and try to make a single word or phrase fit the lost wicked taken to Judgment.
Let's quickly look at a few other places, "paralambano," is used in the Bible:
Second Coming - "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive (paralambano) you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jn.14:3). "One shall be taken (paralambano) the other left" (Matt.24:40-41; Lk.17:34-36). We could probably stop here, but there's more:
Joseph and Mary - The angel said to Joseph, "Fear not to take (paralambano) unto thee Mary, thy wife" (Matt.1:20). "Then Joseph....did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took (paralambano) unto him his wife" (vs.24). These should be enough to settle the discussion, but now lets look at the negative use of the word "left" that Jesus used:
Greek - "Left" - Aphiemi
Strong's Concordance - Aphiemi - "Left" word #863 "Forsake, lay aside, leave, (let alone)(let be) let have, omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up." The words, "Forsake" and "omit" should be more than enough to prove that the "left" are not the righteous. Every word in the Greek definition of aphiemi is a perfect description of wicked people being left behind when Jesus comes to take His people to Heaven. Following are several uses of aphiemi in Scripture:
"Second Coming - "One shall be taken, the other LEFT (aphiemi)(forsaken)" (Matt.24:40-41; Lk.17:34-36).
Jesus - Jerusalem Jews - "Your house is LEFT (aphiemi) unto you desolate" (Matt.23:38).
Peter to Jesus - "Lo, we have LEFT (aphiemi)(forsaken) all, and followed Thee" (Mk.10:28).
Peter to Jesus - "Behold we have FORSAKEN (aphiemi) all, and followed thee" (Matt.19:27).
Disciples - "And when they had brought their ships to land, they FORSOOK (aphiemi)(left) all, and followed Him" (Lk.5:11).
These definitions alone should be more than enough to prove that the "taken" are the righteous and the "left" are the lost wicked, but let's examine each of the other points made by those that insist the "taken" are the bad and the "left" are the good.
The Flood
Jesus used the following phrase concerning the flood and comparing it to His Second Coming: "And (the lost) knew not until the flood came and took them all away" (Matt.24:39). All Pre-trib, and the confused Post-trib advocates, use these words from Jesus in an attempt to claim He was saying the "taken" are the lost wicked and the "left" are the saved righteous. Ministers promoting this view assume that since "taken" and "took" are from the same root word in English, the words must also be the same in Greek. They are not the same at all! Actually the word "took" in Christ's illustration about the Flood and the word "taken" He used describing the people His angels "gather" are completely different words. When Jesus used the word "taken" recorded in the English version of Matthew and Luke, the word was "paralambano," a positive word which is never used in the Bible in a negative sense. When Jesus used the word translated "took" when referring to the lost wicked in the Flood, He said "airo," a neutral word for "took" and is neither negative or positive. In fact "airo" is one of the words that Pre-trib advocates use when referring to the "Rapture." To be clear, there are many uses of the word "airo" in a negative sense meaning "take," but nowhere is "Paralambano" used in Scripture for anything but a positive purpose.
But, let's stop here for a moment and do a reality check. It is true that the "flood came and took them all away," but in comparing Noah and his family with those who died in the flood, who was really "taken" and who was really "left?" Noah's Ark took the righteous to safety, and left the wicked out of the ark and the flood destroyed, killed them. The flood is actually a perfect illustration of the righteous being taken and the lost wicked being left.
Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah
In Luke's recording of "one taken and one left," like Mathew he mentions Noah and the flood, but Luke adds Lot and Sodom. "Also as it was in the days of Lot; they they did eat , they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted they built; But the same day Lot went out of Sodom [angels took them out], it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all" (Lk.17:28-29). What a perfect illustration! When Jesus comes He sends His angels to "gather" the righteous and when Sodom was destroyed the Lord sent His angels to take the righteous to safety. Those promoting the view that the "taken" are the bad and the "left" are the good never mention Lot and Sodom, and it is obvious why. We must always remember what an illustration and a parable are meant to do. Seldom if ever are they to be used for formulation a doctrine. Jesus was only telling us that the conditions before He returns will be very much the same as they were before the Flood and before Sodom was destroyed. Just as when Jesus comes, the lost wicked will be destroyed exactly where they stand the same as in the Flood and Sodom. Jesus used Noah and Lot to illustrate the fate of those "left" when He comes. They are destroyed and they die exactly where they stand and are not taken anywhere.
The Bodies and the Eagles
Before we leave Luke's version of the "taken and the left," we must examine another point made by the promoters of the "bad people taken and the good people left." After Jesus repeated twice, "one shall be taken and the other left," His disciples asked, "Where, Lord?" The answer Jesus gave seems to to support the "bad taken and the good left" view. Jesus answered, "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together" (Lk.17:37). And, if everything else we have offered here could be denied by using Scripture, they might have a case. So let's look closer. It would take many paragraphs to explore all the possibilities of what was behind the disciples question, "Where, Lord?" When Jesus said, "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left," no one can say for sure whether the disciples were asking, "Where will they be taken, Lord," or "Where will they be left, Lord?" So, let's look at reasons why Jesus said He would "send His angels with a great sound of a great trumpet to gather together His ELECT from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other," and then try to understand why anyone can justify claiming Jesus would reverse His instructions to have those angels gather instead the lost wicked and take them where eagles and vultures could devour their bodies. We could stop right here because such rational is simply nonsense.
Pre-Trib - Sheep and Goats
The Pre-trib view, using the parable of the sheep and the goats, tell us that those angels will gather the lost wicked and take them immediately to Jerusalem to be judged and then cast into "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." So, using the Pre-trib interpretation, when the disciples asked Jesus, "Where, Lord," they were asking "where will the wicked be taken." Again, using the Pre-trib interpretation, the lost wicked will not be taken to where eagles and vultures are gathered. However, according to the Pre-trib view, the lost wicked will not be taken to be fed to eagles and vultures at all. The Pre-trib view says the lost wicked will be very much alive and will stand in judgment, immediately after which they are cast into "fire prepared for the devil and his angels." So, according to the Pre-trib view, there will be no eagles or vultures feasting on the lost wicked at Jesus' Second Coming. If, however, it is the saved righteous that are "taken," and the lost wicked are struck dead by the brightness of Jesus and His Holy angels, then there may be a window of time for eagles and vultures to feast on those dead bodies. There may be another reason Jesus answered, "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together." Let's examine that reason.
Disciples Understanding
Probably the reason the disciples asked "Where, Lord," was because, in spite of everything Jesus had told them about His Kingdom, they were still convinced that the Kingdom was to be here on this earth with Jerusalem as headquarters. Thus, the following Thursday night, when Jesus gathered His disciples together for His Last Supper, He was very aware that their hearts were troubled. He told them repeatedly that He was going to Jerusalem and would be killed. The disciples were still holding fast to the idea that His Kingdom was at hand, and they were even arguing among themselves as to who would be sitting on each side of Him on His throne. And, because of their hearts being troubled, He said to them, "Let no your hearts be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's House are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jn.14:2-3). But, it was two days earlier that Jesus had told them He was going to send His angels to gather His Elect, and "one shall be taken, and the other left" (Matt.24:40-41). So, being that His "one taken and one left" occurred two days before Jesus told them about going to His Father's house and preparing a place for them and coming again to take them to Heaven, the disciples were completely fixed on Jerusalem being the capital of the world with Jesus reigning as King. So, when Jesus said He was going to send His angels to gather His Elect, there was no question in their minds that, just as Jesus said, those angels would gather the Elect from all over the world, but in their minds at that time, they thought those angels were to take them to Jerusalem to reign with Jesus. It would be two more days before Jesus explained that when the angels "gather His Elect," they would not be taking them to Jerusalem, but rather up to Jesus in the "clouds" and from there the Elect would return to Heaven with Jesus to live in the "mansions Jesus prepared for them."
Were the Disciples confused about the Taken and the Left?
Absolutely not! The disciples knew exactly who the taken and who the left will be. They were absolutely clear that the "taken" were the Elect and the "left" were the lost wicked. As we covered earlier, Jesus used the word paralambano for the taken and aphiemi for the left. Paralambano is a word that refers to marriage many times in the New Testament portion of the Bible. Aphiemi is used to express forsake, omit, sometimes even for divorce. The disciples were very familiar with these words and were not confused. So, getting back to what the disciples believed would be happening when Jesus sends His angels to gather the Elect, in their minds these angels would take the Elect to Jerusalem, and they were certain they would be among the Elect. It is impossible to know at this point what the disciples' real question was, and even more impossible to know exactly what Jesus was thinking when He answered, "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered." Let's look at two possible scenarios.
In the minds of the Disciples - "Where will the left be left, Lord?"
The disciples were not confused as to who the "taken" and the "left" will be. But they were very confused as to where the Elect were to be taken. In their minds there wasn't a shadow of doubt that the Elect were going to be taken to Jerusalem to be participants in Jesus' Kingdom. Thus they would have no reason whatsoever to ask Jesus where the "taken" will be taken. However, they would have every reason to ask where the "left" will be left. So, perhaps the disciples were asking, "Where, Lord, will the left be left?" And so it is that Jesus' answer fit perfectly. Two days later Jesus explained to the disciples that instead of a Kingdom here on earth in Jerusalem, He would be going to His Father's house to prepare mansions for them and all of His Elect. As for the "left behind" people, they will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. They die right where they stand and fall to the ground. The lost wicked will not be taken anywhere. From other Bible prophecies it seems there may be a window of time for eagles and vultures to feast on the bodies of the lost wicked. We have several blogsites investigating the Millennium and we suggest our readers check these. We show from Scripture that when Jesus comes, the lost wicked are destroyed and their bodies lie unburied until they are resurrected a thousand years later to stand before the White Throne Judgment. Dear readers, after studying the entire subject of end-time events and the coming of Jesus, this scenario fits the question the disciples asked when they said, "Where, Lord?" Now let's look at another possibility and see what could have the reason Jesus answered as He did.
Scenario Two - Where will the taken be taken?"
Again, no one can be positive what the disciples or Jesus were thinking during the exchange when the disciples asked Jesus, "Where, Lord?" Let's look at the possibility that the disciples really were asking Jesus where the "taken" will be taken? In several of our blogsites we have shown from Scripture that during the Millennium earth will be desolate. There will be unburied dead bodies lying all over the earth. See Isaiah 34 and Jeremiah 25. So, if Jesus knew the disciples were thinking the "taken" Elect would be taken to Jerusalem to reign with Him during His Kingdom, but He knew that He planned to tell them two days later that He was planning to take them to Heaven to live in the "mansions" He would prepare for them, how would He answer their question, "Where, Lord will the 'taken' be taken to?" On several occasions Jesus had to tell His disciples that there was much He needed to tell them, but they were not ready. Perhaps this was one of those times. The entire chapter of Matthew 24 occurred because He told the disciples that the Temple they so dearly loved and admired was going to be destroyed so that "not one stone would left upon another." So, when Jesus answered "Wherever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered," was it His way of dispelling their false hope that He was planning to set up a Kingdom here on earth with Jerusalem as capital. Was Jesus trying to shock them into reality and preparing them for what He would tell them two days later? Was He preparing to tell the disciples that instead of setting up a Kingdom here on earth at His Second Coming, He would be taking them and all believers to His Father's house so they could live in the "mansions" He prepared. This author believes that one of these two scenarios is the correct interpretation. Either way, there is too much overwhelming evidence proving that the "taken" are the saved and the "left" are the lost wicked. There is a parable that is used by those declaring the lost bad people are taken and the saved good people are left. Let's examine the "wheat and tares."
Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
We are going to assume that the reader is familiar with the parable of the wheat and the tares. If not, it is recorded in Matthew 13:24-30. Those attempting to prove the "taken" will be the lost wicked, and the "left" will be saved people use the parable as proof. In the parable, the farmer told his servants to "Gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn." We ask our readers to remember that Jesus told this as parable, not as a point of doctrine. It was actually a parable/prophecy about the Church which would be formed after Jesus returned to Heaven. The parable prophesied how Satan would plant evil characters into the Church. Later Jesus' disciples asked Him to explain the tares. Jesus ends His explanation with a statement that seems to support view that the "taken" are bad and the "left" are good. He said,"The Son of man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity, And shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear" (Matt.13:41-43). This author does not always agree with the Scofield Study Bible footnotes, but the footnote under this passage says the actual fulfillment of this prophecy from Jesus occurs at the end of the Millennium and not at Christ's Second Coming. The footnote is correct, and thus the prophecy is not about the Second Coming at all. It refers to the final judgment of the lost wicked after which "fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. And the devil that deceived them will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone" (Rev.20:9-10).
Closing Word to Post-Tribulation Ministers
Pastor, allow us a moment to address the ministers that THINK they have invented a rebuttal to the Pre-trib movement. This author has studied these Post-Tribulation ministers explanation of their views and it is painfully obvious that they are completely un-aware that the official position of the Pre-trib advocates declare the "taken" are the bad and the "left" are the good. Anyone can read their articles and see that they are completely ignorant of the true Pre-trib position. We suggest they should not take a position and proclaim it far and wide until they do their homework.
For example, Post-Tribulation ministers are being careless in their use of Scripture words referring to Christ's Second Coming. When Jesus said, "One shall be taken (paralambano) and the other left (aphiemi)," certain Post-Trib ministers obviously haven't done their homework. Paul describes Christ's Coming in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, "Then we who are alive and remain (periliepo) shall be caught up together with them (the resurrected saved) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (Vs.17). Periliepo means "survive, remain." Thus, Paul was saying all of the righteous that have survived the events till Jesus comes will be caught up with the resurrected righteous to meet the Lord in the air. To imply that the redeemed will be left at Christ's Coming is sloppy Bible interpretation. So, when Post-trib ministers go on national TV and declare that when Jesus said, "one shall be taken and one left," the word He used for "left" is the same word Paul used for "remain" when he wrote,"we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air," such ministers are simply not being truthful.
And so we conclude this study of the taken and the left when Jesus comes. Let's re-read the "taken and left" Scriptures to close, and this time let's insert the words Jesus actually used as they are shown in Strong's Concordance: "And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a great trumpet, and they shall gather together His ELECT from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (Matt 24:30-31). Jesus then gave a quick parable of a fig tree, after which He illustrated how His coming will be unexpected and how unprepared people will be as they go about their daily lives right up until He appears. He compared His coming to the flood when the good people were taken into the Ark, and the bad people were left outside the Ark. Jesus also referred to Lot and Sodom when angels literally took Lot, his wife, and two daughters by the hand and led (took) them out of Sodom. After Jesus said He would "send His angels to gather His Elect, He explained who would be gathered and who would not. He said, two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken (paralambano) (received), and the other left (aphiemi)(forsaken). Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken(paralambano)(received), and the other left (aphiemi)(forsaken)" (Vss.40-41).
So, we did as we were challenged. We examined their proof illustrations from the Bible, and the proof went against them. We looked up the words, and there is only one way to read the Scripture. The "taken" are the righteous and the "left" are the lost wicked.
Pastor, please take a little time to study this carefully and prayerfully from your Bible for yourself. The powers of darkness are poised to create mass deception throughout our entire planet. It is ONLY through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we'll be able stand when those, "4 Angels holding the 4 winds of strife" let go (See Rev.7:1)! Jesus said, "Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all Truth...and He will show you things to come" (Jn.16:13). That's His promise, and He will do it!!
Thank You SO much, Dear Reader, for your time and interest. Please leave your comments and thoughts. Let's continue Praying for God's Spirit to help us prepare for Christ's Coming!!
Your Brother in Christ
Walter C. Martin Jr.
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Pre-Trib's Problem with "Jesus Coming Like A Thief"

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How to Test Your Doctrine About Hell
Great White Throne Judgment Immediately Before Hell Burns
Will Hell Fire Destroy Planet Earth? Apostle Peter Answers!!
When Hell Burns Out, New Jerusalem is on Earth! How Big is It?
DeathHow to Test Your Doctrine About Hell
Great White Throne Judgment Immediately Before Hell Burns
Will Hell Fire Destroy Planet Earth? Apostle Peter Answers!!
When Hell Burns Out, New Jerusalem is on Earth! How Big is It?
The Dead - Dead or Alive - What is Death?
Did Jesus Die YOUR Death for You?
Will Satan Ever Die - Bible Says "YES!"
Testing Our Doctrine About Death
The Dead Stand Before Great White Throne Judgment Seat
The Gnostics Attack the Sabbath

Were Gnostics Satan's Implants into the Church?
Is Gnosticism Alive and Well in Today's Churches
Paul -Gnostics - Colossians 2?
How to Know if Your Doctrine is Gnostic
Gnostic Doctrines in the Church - Reason Jesus Waits?
Church is Israel - Israel is ChurchHow to Know if Your Doctrine is Gnostic
Gnostic Doctrines in the Church - Reason Jesus Waits?
Is the Church Israel and Israel the Church?
Is the Bride of Jesus the 144 Thousand?
Did Jesus Offer the Jews a Millennial Kingdom in His Ministry?
Will New Jerusalem Sit in Israel? How Big is It?
Christ's REAL EVERLASTING Kingdom is for ALL Believers!
The Sabbath
Is it a Sin to Observe the Sabbath?
Is There a Connection Between the Rapture and the Sabbath?
Will the Sabbath Be Observed By God's People During the Tribulation?
Who REALLY Changed the Sabbath in Early Christianity?
Un-Answered and Un-Answerable Sabbath Questions For Popular Preachers
How to Test Your Doctrine Concerning the Sabbath

Marriage in Heaven - Millennial Kingdom?
Strange Animal/Demons the Millennium?
Why Jesus Hasn't Come to Take Us To Heaven?
Great White Throne Judgment - Where and When?
Satan's Death - When!
Will Earth Be Completely Destroyed? (New Heavens and New Earth!)
Is New Jerusalem Actually Heaven? How Big is It?
Christ's Millennial Kingdom Will Be in Heaven!
Christ's Kingdom is Not 1000 Years - It is EVERLASTING!
Great White Throne Judgment - Heaven or Earth
Satan's Death - When!
Will Earth Be Completely Destroyed? (New Heavens and New Earth!)
Is New Jerusalem Actually Heaven? How Big is It?
Christ's Millennial Kingdom Will Be in Heaven!
Christ's Kingdom is Not 1000 Years - It is EVERLASTING!
Great White Throne Judgment - Heaven or Earth

Good Ministers Teaching Against God's 10 Commandments?
Teaching of Anomia - The Reason Jesus Hasn't Come Yet?
Pre-Trib Rapture and Sabbath

Will Christ's Bride Keep the Sabbath?
Does Your Rapture/Sabbath Doctrine Pass the Test?
Exposing Lucifer/Satan
When Did Lucifer Become Satan?
Will Satan Ever Die? Really Die? All the Way Dead?
Has Satan Introduced False Doctrine into the Church? How to Test
Satan Dies After Great White Throne Judgment
Satan Dies When Earth is Destroyed By Fire
Does Your Rapture/Sabbath Doctrine Pass the Test?
Exposing Lucifer/Satan
When Did Lucifer Become Satan?
Will Satan Ever Die? Really Die? All the Way Dead?
Has Satan Introduced False Doctrine into the Church? How to Test
Satan Dies After Great White Throne Judgment
Satan Dies When Earth is Destroyed By Fire
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Walter C. Martin Jr. |
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Let's pray that God will continue sending His Holy Spirit to guide as we prepare for Jesus to come. Thank You!
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr
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